In reflecting on research I have read it seems to me the way you document planning in a collaborative space is probably not a lot different to documenting planning in a single cell classroom especially if you are using online tools like Google Docs or Office 365.
The big difference in a collaborative planning space appears to be the need for time and resources to allow rich discussion between the members of a collaborative team around the data they have collected and the next learning steps for their learners. This in turn leads to planning the learning for the following sessions.
I am interested to know if schools see the benefit of investing in professional learning around data literacy as internationally this seems to be an area that teachers are generally weak in. Data literate teachers have the skills to analyse and infer from the students responses, what they know and can do. This then enables next steps to be planned for and also enables the teacher to understand what they need to learn to teach that child.
In a collaborative space I can see that data literate teachers would be far more effective at meeting their learners needs and would be able to have much more in depth discussions about the student data.