An opportunity to CONNECT (kanohi ki te kanohi) and to hear how kura are using the PB4L-SW framework to make CONNECTIONS.
Hurunui College
Explicit teaching of what it is to be a student at Hurunui College
No assumptions of students knowing what happens in school.
Newcomers Group - integrating new students into school
Use older students - Kaiārahi
Wairakei Primary School
Classroom practice team - Tier One team before become Tier Two - 5 years in and still at Tier 1.
Two behaviour continuums one for teachers complicated and then simplified for class and child and parent.
Yellow and orange behaviour - teachers solve while teaching.
Red and Black needs the stopping of teaching and is dealt by leadership.
Added in blue and green behaviours on the continuum to value the positive behaviours. When children are at this stage they are able to have restorative conversations.
Also teach the behaviours at blue and green.
New Brighton Catholic School
Social stories linking to PB4L. Tied into virtues teaching and Learn Create Share pedagogy. Social stories have worked right across the school.
Power is in the co construction of the stories for the students.
Rolleston College
Restorative Practice - Restorative chat - Restorative conversation - Restorative class conferences - Restorative formal conferences
Staff Card to support the chats.
Role Play Time - restorative chat - with staff at staff meeting.
Restorative Rangers - a group of teachers who volunteer to support restorative work. Students eventually trained up to take the role.
Heathcote Valley School - Te Tihi o Kahukura
Biodegradable bamboo tokens and up cycling of shelves cupboards etc for whole school acknowledgements.
Lyttelton Primary School
Classroom Practices Teams - teachers who connect and strengthen their practices. Not until tier two.Function of behaviour
Setting events - Antecedent - Problem Behaviour - Consequence -
On fortnightly team agenda - nomination form for teachers to access and fill in.
Westburn School
Tags more succinct so data cleaner, which means lessons then can be picked based on the data.
Get rid of unknown tags as an easy go to which gives no data to change behaviours.
Great connections today. Follow up
- Investigate SWISS for 2023 $450
- Look at the action plan
- Update Tracey on PB4L
- Revisit school wide acknowledgements with Tracey